Monday, August 24, 2009

Direct from Milano to Auckland - Piccolo Teatro di Milano

HARLEQUIN - Servant of Two Masters

Written by Carlo Goldoni
Directed by Giorgio Strehler
Restaged by Ferruccio Soleri in collaboration with Stefano de Luca

Featuring 20 actors and five musicians in breathtaking masks & costumes.

A miraculous fusion of brilliant directorial insight, inspired physical comedy and a peerless sense of style. LA TIMES

HARLEQUIN, a wily trickster, accepts the employment of two masters and is forced to walk a tightrope between their demands. What unfolds is a madcap masterpiece with three weddings, two duels, a dance number, a chase sequence, a love story, a food fight and much more.

...craft, vigor and sheer joie de vivre. CHICAGO TRIBUNE

Let Italy's revered Piccolo Teatro di Milano immerse you in the art of comedy – commedia dell'arte – upon which slapstick, physical comedy and the great comic characters from Shakespeare to Charlie Chaplin and Benny Hill to Homer Simpson have drawn their inspiration.

...pure buffoonery. THE NEW YORK TIMES

Ciao and see you there

Thursday 1 to Sat 3 October 7pm at the Aotea Centre, THE EDGE®

La Vita è Bella - The ONLY Italian Radio Programme in Auckland

Your Italian Sundays 9.10pm-10.10pm on Planet 104.6 FM.

Welcome to the only Italian radio programme broadcasted from Auckland!

The first little corner of Italianity available all over New Zealand, easily by turning on your radio on 104.2FM! Stay tuned on Planet 104.2 FM every Sunday night at 9.10pm for a unique Italian entertainment!

Mostly in Italian, La Vita è Bella will go though the amazing and always surprising regional traditions, the unforgettable Italian cults, food, culture and entertainment, interviews, guests, phone-out, surveys and competitions.

From Sunday 23rd August, every Sunday 9.10pm- 10.10pm


We can design with you a commercial script and record it. Once you will give us your approval on the final record, your commercial will be running on Planet FM, every day - throughout the day (24 hours!). Inclusion in a minimum of 8 x contesting elements during the first 8 Sunday’s programme. You’ll be present on the La Vita è Bella webpage in

Contact us:

Emanuele: 021 1764436
Cristina: 021 02202678
Luca: 021 597002

Monday, August 10, 2009

Italia vs France Mid-Summer Dance Party

Once again, the boys from ITALIANZ (Emanuele & Alfio) bring another event to the Auckland region!

In collaboration with Auckland Accueil, ITALIANZ presents the Mid-Summer Dance Party. The French band, Club Manouche, will fight through musical notes against Italian DJ, Luca Napolitano, aka Randal - the weapons involved will be guitars, CDs, microphones, drums and a lot of live music.

On the Italian side there will be free ciabatta and focaccia bread offered by Pukeko Bakery and, on the French side, petits fours offered by Panetton Bakery, to feed the crazy dancers during the night.

Last, but not least, the battlefield will be the legendary Khuja Lounge, 536 Queen Street, Auckland. Everyone is very welcome to join the event and remember, entry is from 8pm! Tickets on sale at the door ($10) on Thursday the 20th of August.

See you there.